Terms of use

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, we inform you that Xevi Vilaro is the owner of his website, with address at C/Figaric 12, 17165 – La Cellera de Ter , with NIF: 79302855M. You can contact us at

Limitation of responsibility

In Xevi Vilaro we do not take responsibility of the bad use that is made of the contents of our page Web, being exclusive responsibility of the person who accedes to them or who uses them. Xevi Vilaro declares to have adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any damage that could be caused to the users of his web site by the navigation of his web page. Consequently, Xevi Vilaro is not responsible, in any case, for the possible damage that the user may suffer while surfing the Internet.

Link Policy

Xevi Vilaro is not responsible for the contents or information of the web pages of third parties which the user may access through the links established in our web site. Likewise, it shall not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, truthfulness, validity or legality of pages not belonging to it that can be accessed through the links.


Xevi Vilaro reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate, without prior notice, to the content of its web site, both as regards the contents of the site and the conditions of use thereof.

Commitments and obligations to our users

The user is informed and accepts that access to Xevi Vilaro does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with Staging BCN. In this way, the user commits to use the web site, its services and contents without contravening the legislation in force, good faith and public order. It is forbidden to use the website for illegal or harmful purposes, or in any way that could cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website.
The access and/or use of the web page of Xevi Vilaro that is attributed to the person who makes it the condition of user, accepting, from that very moment, fully and without any reservation, the present Legal Warning in relation to certain services and contents.
In the use of the web of Xevi Vilaro, the user undertakes not to carry out any conduct that may damage the image, interests and rights of Xevi Vilaro or of third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the web in any way that could prevent the normal use of the Xevi Vilaro.

Intellectual property and copyright

This website combines its own content with images of free use and diffusion. These types of images can be replaced as long as Xevi Vilaro generates more of its own content with its activity. The contents shown in this Web and, in particular, the designs, texts, images or photographs of projects, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, commercial names, brands or any other sign that may be used on a commercial or industrial level, are subject to the legislation on intellectual and industrial property and are the property of Xevi Vilaro or of those third party owners who have duly authorised their inclusion in this Web. Under no circumstances will it be understood that any licence or waiver, transmission, total or partial assignment of said rights or concession of rights or expectation of rights, and in particular, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents, has been granted without the prior express authorisation of Xevi Vilaro. On the other hand, by means of these conclusions, the user undertakes not to reproduce in any way this Web site or any of its contents, except with the express written authorisation of Xevi Vilaro.


Data protection

The personal information you provide us with through the different forms, e-mails or any other means presented in this Web site will be entered into an automated file under the responsibility of Xevi Vilaro, and will be kept confidential and protected. Under no circumstances will it be used for other purposes, nor will it be given to third parties without their consent, in accordance with the principles of data protection of the Spanish law LOPD (Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and RD 1720/2007, of 21 December, on the Regulation of Development).
Likewise, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation RGPD 2016/679 UE, of 27 April 2016, we inform you that your personal data are part of our automated and non-automated Client files, with the purpose of: responding to the request for information requested by you via our web contact forms, providing the service contracted, offering you services related to those requested, sending you information on promotions, subscribing you to our newsletter, communicating with us via e-mail, building your loyalty as a client and carrying out the administrative and accounting procedures related to your service with us.
In order to comply with the different legal provisions, we have established different levels of security to protect the personal data you provide us with, having adopted all the technical measures within our reach to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and manipulation of these personal data.
You are always entitled to exercise your right to access, rectify, oppose or cancel the personal data you have provided. If you wish, you may contact us, indicating the right you wish to exercise together with a copy of your Identity Document at:
Unless you inform us otherwise, we will understand that your data have not been modified, that you undertake to notify us of any variation and that we have the consent to use them in order to maintain the relationship between the parties.

Exercising your rights

You may send a written communication to the registered office of Xevi Vilaro or the e-mail address indicated at the beginning of the Legal Notice, including in both cases a photocopy of your ID card or other similar identification document, to request the exercise of the following rights:

Right to request access to personal data: You may ask Xevi Vilaro if your data is being processed.

Right to ask for their rectification (in case they are incorrect).

– Right to request limitation of processing, in which case they will only be kept by Xevi Vilaro in the exercise or defence of claims.

– Xevi Vilaro will cease to process your data in the manner you have indicated, unless for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defence of possible claims, it is necessary to continue processing them.

– The right to the portability of data: If you wish your data to be processed by another firm, Xevi Vilaro will provide the portability of the data to the new controller.

– The right to have the data deleted: You will have the right to ask for the complete deletion of the data unless it is legally required to be deleted after confirmation. You can find more information about models, forms and more information about your rights on the official website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

– If you have given consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal.

– If you consider that there is a problem with the way in which you have given your consent, you may contact the Supervisory Authority.27px;”>Xevi Vilaro is processing your data, you can address your complaints to the security officer of Xevi Vilaro (indicated above) or the relevant data protection authority, where the Spanish Data Protection Agency. , as indicated in the case of Spain.

Right to forget and access your personal data. At any time you have the right to review, retrieve, anonymize and/or delete, in whole or in part, the data stored on the website. Simply send an email to and ask for it.

What information do we collect from users and why do we use it?

– All the products and services offered on the web site Xevi Vilaro refer to contact forms. – This web site always requires the prior consent of the users to treat their personal data with the indicated purposes. – You have the right to revoke your prior consent at any time.

Social networking

Presence in networks: Xevi Vilaro has profiles in some of the main social networks on the Internet.

Purpose and legitimacy:The treatment that Xevi Vilaro will carry out with the data within each one of the referred networks will be, at most, what the social network allows for the corporate profiles. Therefore, Xevi Vilaro will be able to inform, when the law does not prohibit it, its followers by any means that the social network allows about its activities, presentations, offers and provide personalised customer service.

Extraction of data: In no case will Xevi Vilaro extract data from social networks, unless express consent has been obtained for this to be done.

Rights: When, due to the very nature of social networks, the effective exercise of the data protection rights of the follower is subject to the modification of his personal profile, Xevi Vilaro will help and advise him to the extent of his possibilities.

Governing law and jurisdiction

In general, the relations between Xevi Vilaro and the users of his telematic services, present in this web site, are subject to the Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

Date of last update: January 2019